Category: Smartsfest
Smartsfest 2021
Save the Date! Saturday Sept. 18 2021 SMARTSFEST is returning to the Cologne Community Center in 2021. We’re planning another great year and hope that you’ll mark your calendars and join us for some of the fun. Watch the SMARTSFEST website for more details. We look forward to seeing you again.
Smartsfest 2020 – Early Sponsors
We would like to say Thanks to our great sponsors that have stepped up early in support of SMARTSFEST for 2020. ARRLDX EngineeringElecraftBionno PowerMessi & PaoloniMastrantHam Radio Deluxe The list of prizes is growing. Be sure to mark you calendar for 9/19/2020 so you don’t miss your chance at some of the cool merchandise and…
Smartsfest 2019 Thank You
We would like to thank everyone that joined us for Smartsfest this year. There were a lot of Ham Radio related activities happening on Saturday and we’re sincerely grateful that you chose to join us. Please feel free to share you comments, thoughts and suggestions so that we can continue to make Smartsfest the best…
SMARTSFEST 2019 – Early Sponsors
How about an early Thank You our great sponsors that have stepped up early in support of SMARTSFEST for 2019. The list of great prizes is growing. Be sure to mark you calendar for 9/28/2019 so you don’t miss your chance at some of the cool merchandise and other swag. ARRL Buckmaster International MFJ Elecraft…
Save the Date! Saturday Sept. 28 2019 SMARTSFEST is returning to the Cologne Community Center in 2019. We’re planning another great year and hope that you’ll mark your calendars and join us for some of the fun. Watch the SMARTSFEST 2019 website for more details. We look forward to seeing you again.
SMARTSFEST 2018 Update
We would like to say thanks in advance to our first round of sponsors that have already signed up to support SMARTSFEST 2018. ARRL Radio City Buckmaster International/ Elecraft DX Engineering MFJ Bionno Power Comet Antenna BridgeCom Systems BaoFeng Tech Mouser RF Adapter Guy ABR Industries Mark your calendars for September 22nd so you don’t…
We’re only 2 months away from SMARTSFEST for 2018 and can’t wait to see everyone there. Remember to put the finishing touches on your entry into the Project Showcase. We will have VE Testing, QSL card checking and presentations by the Minnesota DMR group, so study for the license upgrade, pack up your QSL cards…
Save the Date! Saturday Sept. 22 2018 SMARTSFEST is returning to the Cologne Community Center in 2018. We’re planning another great year and hope that you’ll mark your calendars and join us for some of the fun. Watch the SMARTSFEST 2018 website for more details. We look forward to seeing you again.
Thank You!
The SMARTS and SERT Clubs would like to thank you for joining us for SMARTSFEST this year. We’ve started planning for next year and would appreciate any feedback that you would like to share. Please let us know what worked for you or if there were any areas that we can improve for next year.…
If you need a hand finding us at the Cologne Community Center, check out the directions at